Monday, March 16, 2015

Positive versus Negative Energy


It is easy to dwell on or even promote negativity and hatred. However, the positive energy that is expended to spread love, joy and positive vibes that encourage and support other people in our environment, spreads much faster and is far more powerful.

A couple weeks ago I heard a very sad news report about  a man in England who was fat-shamed on social media after someone posted a video of him dancing at a club. Viewers could literally see the effect of this negativity: in one frame, the man is shown smiling and seeming to have a great time getting his groove on. But in the next he is standing alone with his head down and shoulders slumped while everyone around him continues to dance and party. Whatever joy he had been experiencing moments before was seemingly been sucked right out of him when others made their criticism (loudly) known.

The video went “viral” throughout the Internet. However, when a very compassionate young woman in Southern California named Cassandra Fairbanks saw the video she turned the vitriol and negative energy that inspired the post onto its metaphoric head. She found out who the man was, organized a huge dance party for him and even started an online fundraiser to help raise money to pay for his plane ticket to attend the party as the guest of honor. As word spread about the party plans, hundreds of people (likely more, now) signed up to attend and donated more money to the fund. A couple celebrities reportedly volunteered to perform at it and expressed great excitement and enthusiasm about taking part in the upcoming event. How cool is that?

The optimistic, joyous resolution of this story—organizing a huge party to celebrate versus hurt and humiliate another person—demonstrates that it is possible to over-write the negativity in the environment by focusing on the positive energy surrounding you. For more information about this topic, check out my previous blogs: How to Deal With the Naysayer, Energy Vampires and Energy Exchange.



Sara R. Fogan, C.Ht. is a certified hypnotherapist based in Southern California. She graduated with honors from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in 2005. For more information about Calminsense Hypnotherapy® and to set up an appointment, please visit

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