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to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over
and over again and expecting different results.” Comedian Bill Maher recently
told his Real Time audience that some
of the best decisions he ever made involved quitting a behavior or lifestyle
that didn’t make him happy, including quitting smoking and leaving Catholicism.
He explained that continuing to smoke cigarettes was jeopardizing his heath,
and practicing a religion he didn’t believe in was making him miserable (Maher
is now an atheist). The comedian realized that he needed to change or even
abandon some of his previous beliefs and behaviors in order to lead a life that
was more authentic for him.
But what about
Thomas Edison, who famously joked that through his efforts, society now knew
about 999 ways not to build a light
bulb before he perfected the design on the 1,000th or so attempt? His
success was the product of hard work, dedication and perseverance as a
scientist. He was able to turn disappointment into motivation and even a
teachable moment. If he had stopped trying to perfect his invention on the third
or 999th attempt someone else, somewhere else, likely would have
created the light bulb. Creating the light bulb was Edison’s invention, his
goal to achieve, his life path to follow—and he stayed on-course until he realized
this dream.
When my clients
initially contact me to help them achieve a new vocational or avocational
self-improvement goal through hypnotherapy, they often want to give up a habit
that no longer works for them. Some people want to quit smoking; others want to
lose weight (stop over-eating). Still others want to increase their self-confidence
and build their self-esteem so they can truly, finally, leave an unhealthy social, work or romantic relationship. Others
want to learn skills or techniques that will help them relax and follow through
with a plan or persevere and finally complete a project.
According to Einstein’s
logic, stopping or quitting unproductive or even potentially harmful behaviors
might be construed as a sign of sanity or even genius. On the other hand, he
might argue that it’s a waste of time to spend years, money and energy
repeating a pattern or design that seems to never work out—except, it did. In
my role as a certified hypnotherapist, I focus on the most efficient and
ecologically sound ways of helping the client achieve those goals that will not
harm the person or others in his or her environment. I use hypnosis and guided
imagery techniques to help the person explore his or her motivations to change
an undesired habit that is limiting personal growth and replace it with one(s)
that will enhance and maximize that individual’s potential. You know what you
want to achieve. Your conscious mind thinks it knows what you are capable of.
Through hypnotherapy, you can re-program any limiting or negative mental
scripts into those of self-confidence, dedication and perseverance. I trust and
respect your desire to do this work so you can also live the life you want to
be leading, and I look forward to helping you achieve these self-improvement
Sara R. Fogan, C.Ht. is a certified hypnotherapist based in
Southern California. She graduated with honors from the
Hypnosis Motivation Institute in 2005. For more information about
Calminsense Hypnotherapy® and to set up an appointment, please visit http://www.calminsensehypnotherapy.com/.
© 2014