Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tired? There's a Nap For That!

(This blog was originally posted on April 13, 2014)

Photo courtesy of Microsoft

                Have you ever pulled an all-nighter to study for an exam or complete a project before a deadline? Or, have you ever become so caught up in a social activity that you didn’t want to close your eyes in case you missed something? (Remember when you or one of your kids tried to stay up all night to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus coming down the chimney on Christmas Eve?) We seldom think about it—or try not tobut sleep is a precious commodity that many of us neglect or even avoid at all costs. This behavior doesn’t do our body any good.

                Sleep is the time when our body can take a rest and recuperate from any physical exertion or stress that we experienced during the day. This is when the cells in the body regenerate. This is when dreams happen—those precious seconds when the subconscious mind works through and/or “dumps” all of the information that we don’t need to consciously think about anymore. It is as natural to need and want to sleep as it is to eat, drink and create social bonds with other people. But for some reason, we tend to perceive an admission of feeling tired or sleepy as a sign of weakness and won’t slow done for that needed rest until we collapse from exhaustion.

                When you feel tired, lie down and take a nap or go to bed for the night. Show your body the same consideration and respect as you do when you eat a meal or drink some water to slake your hunger or thirst. If you cannot sleep or have interrupted sleep, or if you feel you sleep “too much,” consult your primary physician to make sure that there is not a medical cause for this behavior. Hypnotherapy is a great complement to traditional health care in that hypnosis, guided imagery/visualization and relaxation techniques also provide an opportunity to vent emotional stress that may prevent normal sleep patterns and cause you to feel (or not get) tired. Your body is telling you something when you feel tired; isn’t it time to listen to what it is trying to say?

Sara R. Fogan, C.Ht. is a certified hypnotherapist based in Southern California. She graduated with honors from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in 2005. For more information about Calminsense Hypnotherapy® and to set up an appointment, please visit http://www.calminsensehypnotherapy.com/.
© 2015

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