Wednesday, February 3, 2016

All About Emotional and Physical Sexuality, Part 2

The cornerstone of Hypnosis Motivation Institute founder John Kappas, Ph.D.’s hypnotherapy practice was the concept of Emotional and Physical Sexuality.  In my blog titled, All About Emotional and Physical Sexuality, Part 1, I described the characteristics of these personalities and the importance of knowing a client’s sexual personality as a way to understand, predict and even mold his or her behavior. In today’s blog I will further describe the priorities and goals of each personality in the context of a romantic (sexual) relationship. Please keep in mind that, like suggestibility, there are varying degrees of the Emotional and Physical Sexuality traits; no one is 100-percent “Emotional” or 100 percent “Physical” in terms of the degree to which dominant sexual-personality traits is manifested.

Below is an easy-reference table to summarize each groups priorities:


                                   Career/$ Security
(If financial security doesn’t exist, everything else falls by the wayside.)
(Relationship and Sex are interchangeable for the Physical. Sex is how the Physical expresses love)
(Emotional male has no friends or work acquaintance, etc. or 1 Physical male friend considers; Emotional female partner as friend. Emotional female has other Emotional female friends. “Kids” are a hobby for an ethnic Emotional)
(Home base)
Hobbies/ Friends
(Physical Female has Physical male friends, often ex-partners, lack of competition; a Physical male will have Physical male friends.)
Career/$ Security

If you are interested in finding out what whether yours is an Emotional Sexual or Physical Sexual personality, check out the relationship quiz. It is can be hard to be objective about your own behavior when answering these questions, so I suggest that you take the quiz for (about) your spouse/partner and have the other person do the same for you. Once you know and understand Dr. Kappas’s E&P Sexual Personality model, a whole new world will open up for you in terms of recognizing, predicting and even helping to shape your own behavior and that of other people with whom you share a significant personal relationship.

I will provide some tips for ameliorating negative tension between Emotional Sexual and Physical Sexual partners in the relationship in my next blog.

Sara R. Fogan, C.Ht. is a certified hypnotherapist based in Southern California. She graduated with honors from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in 2005. For more information about Calminsense Hypnotherapy® and to set up an appointment, please visit
© 2016

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