Thursday, June 25, 2015

And Your Handwriting Says...Part 2

(This blog was originally posted on June 19, 2014)

Photo courtesy of Microsoft

   Handwriting is an ideomotor response that provides insight into the writer’s subconscious mind. I explained the role of handwriting analysis in my hypnotherapy practice and identified some specific traits I look at in each HWA in two of my previous blogs (Handwriting Analysis for Hypnotherapy and And Your Handwriting Says). Here, I will describe several other prominent handwriting characteristics I look at and what these traits say about the writer’s suggestibility (how we learn), subconscious behaviors and motivations.

    Here are a few more handwriting characteristics that I look at:

·         Spacing (between letters): The size—or amount of space—between letters indicate the writer’s width or narrowness of thinking. The less space there is indicates that the writer has a narrow view and is less willing to take risks in his or her life.
·         Spacing (between words): The amount of space between words indicates social maturity. The less space there is between words suggests that the individual needs people and attention. However, this person is unlikely to be open to what others say or believe.
·         Spacing (between zones): A writer who leaves more space between lines of writing indicates that he or she tends to be generous, courageous and independent.
·         Size of letters: The size of each letter indicates the writer’s opinion of him- or herself. Small writing suggests that the person tends to be thrifty and may not have many friends; however, he or she is capable of deep concentration and extreme attention to detail. Average-size writing indicates someone who tends to conform to social expectations and exhibits normal caution and reserve. Someone who has large writing tends to be extroverted (social) and takes the initiative; he or she needs to be noticed. Someone who has very-large writing may be aggressive and single-minded, possibly rebellious.
·         Variable size of writing: If the size of the writing increases, this suggests that the person’s communication style tends to be blunt. When the size of the writing decreases, the writer’s communication style tends to be diplomatic and conforming.
·         Fancy/ornate writing: This style is identified by many swirls and embellishments of the writing. The writer tends to be someone who “must” be at the center of attention; it may also indicate someone who possesses an artistic personality, or someone who is acting out or showing off.

These are just a few more indicators of personality that I look at when I analyze handwriting in my hypnotherapy practice. For more information about handwriting analysis, or if you would like to request an in-depth analysis of your own writing, please send me an e-mail or call me at (661) 433-9430.

 Sara R. Fogan, C.Ht. is a certified hypnotherapist based in Southern California. She graduated with honors from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in 2005. For more information about Calminsense Hypnotherapy®, please visit

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