Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Suggestibility, Sexuality and Psychological Issues

(This blog was originally posted on June 16, 2016)

Photo by Rick Hustead

According to John Kappas, Ph.D., Emotional and Physical sexuality and Emotional and Physical suggestibility characteristics dominate different psychological symptoms or disorders. To treat the specific problem, you must address the issue in the context of the sexuality/suggestibility of the client when the symptoms began, the Hypnosis Motivation Institute founder explained.

“Emotionals tend to have more emotional problems and Physicals tend to have more physical problems,” Dr. Kappas said. Following is a list of issues or disorders and the suggestibility/sexuality with which it most often corresponds.

Suggestibility or Sexuality
Somnambulist (50/50 suggestibility, sexuality)
Explosive Personality Disorder
High Physical Sexual, but high Emotional Sexuality is also associated because of ego sensation
Emotional Suggestible, Emotional Sexual
Physical Suggestible, Physical Sexual
50/50 suggestibility
Psychosexual disorders
Emotional Suggestible, 50/50 Emotional Sexual
50/50 suggestibility, Physical/Emotional sexuality
Most compulsive behavior
Extreme Emotional Sexual behavior
Physical Suggestible
Physical Suggestible
Somnambulist (50/50 suggestibility, sexuality)
Physical Suggestible, Physical Sexual
Physical Sexual males, Emotional Sexual females re: relationship issues
Emotional Sexual
Repetitive words, involuntary movements
Physical Suggestible, Emotional Sexual
Physical Suggestible, Physical Sexual
Physical Suggestible, Physical Sexual (Individual needs physical gratification, which leads to tendency to put on weight.)
Emotional Sexual, but bad eating habits can change suggestibility.
Physical Sexual (habit disorder)
Fear of contamination
Emotional Sexual

“Some personalities dominate problems and therapies, but Emotional and Physical Sexual personalities are both capable of having these problems,” the hypnotherapist said. “If you don’t consider primary/secondary cause hypnotherapy may be a one-shot treatment (e.g., desensitization for fear of flying), but what you’re really doing is transferring energy, because fear of flying doesn’t exist alone in a vacuum,” he said.

California law allows me to provide hypnotherapy as a complementary or alternative treatment to help you achieve vocational and avocational self-improvement goals (Business and Professions Code 2908). In any other case—including many of the ones listed above—I must receive a referral from a licensed medical doctor or mental-health professional in order to work with you on that issue.

Sara R. Fagan, C.Ht. is a certified hypnotherapist based in Southern California. She graduated with honors from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in 2005. For more information about Calminsense Hypnotherapy® and to set up an appointment, please visit
© 2017

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