Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Change Your Attitude

(This blog was originally posted on September 5, 2015)

                A lot of the time, the way we deal with a stressful situation comes down to our attitude about what is going on. If we believe a minor inconvenience is a major disaster, we are likely to behave like it is. As soon as we perceive a threat in the environment, the subconscious mind goes into fight/flight mode, kicking the adrenal system will kick into high gear and flooding the bloodstream with adrenaline. Whether we are more likely to run away or stand up to the challenge and try to change the outcome of the situation depends a lot on our expectations about that outcome, based on our subconscious life script. If we can change these expectations, we can also change our behavioral response to that situation and the outcome of that scenario.

                One version of this philosophy is a quote from the film Barbarosa: “What cannot be remedied must be endured.” In other words, if we cannot change or improve our circumstances, we may still get through the challenge with minimal physical and emotional distress by gritting our teeth and ploughing through. Don’t make any waves or draw attention to yourself, just do whatever you need to do to deal with the situation until our luck improves. Alternatively, we can follow the Mother Superior’s advice to Maria in The Sound of Music: Climb every mountain. If and when we encounter an obstacle along our journey to fulfilling a dream or achieving a goal, continue to push forward toward your goal. Look for alternative strategies and different paths that you can take to get where you want to be.

                In his book titled Success Is Not an Accident: The Mental Bank Concept, Hypnosis Motivation Institute founder John Kappas, Ph.D. explains how a person’s subconscious mental script and subconscious messages ultimately influence how and where the individual will direct energy and effort to realize a goal. Everyone has the power to achieve a goal, Dr. Kappas says, if the “correct” mental script for that success—like a road map or a recipe—is available and in place for the person to follow. However, if you don’t possess a subconscious mental script that compels you to pursue a goal when times are tough, repeated exposure (experience) to negative outcomes  may further jade your optimism about the likelihood of achieving the success you desire.

Hypnotherapy and therapeutic guided imagery can help you rewrite those negative mental scripts and help you to see that silver lining in the darkest of clouds. Remember: every belief and behavior you have learned can also be unlearned. Hypnosis is an effective, drug-free and natural way to help you override (i.e., unlearn) that previous mental script and override negative habits or beliefs that no longer work for you. so you can start living the kind of life you want and deserve to be living.

Sara R. Fogan, C.Ht. is a certified hypnotherapist based in Southern California. She graduated with honors from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in 2005. For more information about Calminsense Hypnotherapy®, please visit http://www.calminsensehypnotherapy.com/
© 2015

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