Tuesday, June 21, 2016

When to Lower Extreme Physical Sexual Behavior

Photo by Rick Hustead

When dealing with a high-level Physical-Sexual female (80- to 85-percent Physical), this person is likely manifesting neurotic behavior in the relationship, said Hypnosis Motivation Institute founder John Kappas, Ph.D. Consequently, the goal of the hypnotherapy is to lower her physical-sexual traits and help her develop self-confidence and strength so she can function more normally. To do this, the hypnotherapist should explain to the client the basic traits of her Physical Sexual personality and help her understand her behavior (jealousy, suspicion) and where it came from, Dr. Kappas explained.
To bring down extreme levels of Physical Sexuality, the hypnotherapist must focus on and develop in the client those traits or behaviors that she lacks. To do this, the hypnotherapist helps her bring out the logic and reasoning faculties of the conscious mind so the individual can tolerate frustration and not overreact in a stressful situation. Hysteria and tendency to make demands—a default behavior when a Physical Sexual female becomes jealous or feels threatened—will only make the situation worse, the hypnotherapist said.
A high-Physical Sexual female who has just lost a relationship is likely to be hysterical about the break-up, he continued. If she has been rejected in the relationship, she is also likely to run toward the partner. Therefore, the first step in the therapeutic process to help this client deal with this loss is to give her hope that the relationship can be saved if she makes simple changes in her behavior. “Once her boyfriend [or spouse] sees there’s a change in her and that she’s like what he was first attracted to, his [Emotional] sexuality will come down and they may be able to re-negotiate the relationship.”
To accomplish this, the hypnotherapist should first desensitize the client to these high levels of frustration from the highest level, a 10, all the way down to the lowest, a 1. When she is in hypnosis, the client should hold this negative emotion at the lowest level while the hypnotherapist has her face the situations that cause the greatest anxiety. This exercise reinforces the double-bind therapeutic concept, whereby it is impossible to feel maximum levels of stress while experiencing extreme levels of comfort and relaxation she is experiencing in hypnosis. “Instead of being upset, she’s backing down being very comfortable with it. Focus on the behaviors [that she] lacks,” Dr. Kappas advised.

Sara R. Fogan, C.Ht. is a certified hypnotherapist based in Southern California. She graduated with honors from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in 2005. For more information about Calminsense Hypnotherapy® and to set up an appointment, please visit http://www.calminsensehypnotherapy.com/.
© 2016

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