Monday, May 2, 2016

Building Self-Esteem from a Limited Mental Script

Photo by Rick Hustead

If a client has a limited mental script, it is important to use hypnotic suggestions to help create a new mental self-image. This individual would also benefit from learning about the Mental Bank Concept and using the Mental Bank ledger to reinforce those suggestions, advised John Kappas, Ph.D., founder of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute.

To start this process, explain the Theory of Mind and emphasize that any previous negative scripts or self-image (behaviors) can be re-learned, Dr. Kappas suggested. Remind the client that somewhere in the person’s background, the individual picked up or learned the unwanted behavior. Since all behavior (except reaction to fear of falling and reaction to fear of loud noises) is learned, the person can unlearn this unwanted behavior as well. It is also important to reassure the individual that he or she will match the potential positive changes or outcomes with the person’s capability to effect the desired change. “From this day forward, you are more valuable. You are successful, happy doing what you want to do,” the hypnotherapist said.

It is important for the client to be able to incorporate the self-image of success, happiness and prosperity as the basic foundation for his or her mental-bank goals. Therefore, while the individual is in hypnosis, the hypnotherapist should emphasize that the person’s confidence, self-confidence and self-esteem continue to steadily increase. “A new script will take you to new places. You’ll feel better about yourself, and your confidence will begin to grow,” Dr. Kappas said.

Sara R. Fogan, C.Ht. is a certified hypnotherapist based in Southern California. She graduated with honors from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in 2005. For more information about Calminsense Hypnotherapy® and to set up an appointment, please visit
© 2016

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