Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Past-Life Regression and Hypnosis

(This blog was originally posted on January 13, 2014)
Photo courtesy of Fotolia
                Past-life regression is based on the person’s religious belief that he or she lived before and has been reincarnated. I offer PLR when a client specifically requests it, such as to explore what happened in the person’s previous life and how a specific event(s) from that lifetime is affecting him or her, today. It is also a useful technique to help a person identify a source of distress in the following situations:
·         Resolve a fear/phobia that the client absolutely cannot identify the source or cause;
·         Open up another creative pathway in the person’s imagination;
·         Travel to another country to become familiar with the culture;
·         Unexplained medical issue/condition, but the client MUST HAVE A MEDICAL REFERRAL from his or her physician to rule out a medical cause or condition as the cause of the discomfort;
·         Obesity/debilitating inability to gain weight (MEDICAL REFERRAL REQUIRED).
Most people have an authentic life experience during the PLR. I include the information that the client receives and shares with me to reinforce the subconscious message or lesson that the person received during the PLR. This experience often provides new perceptions about something that is going on in the person’s life and provides new insights for dealing with it. In addition to reinforcing this new knowledge in a post-hypnotic suggestion, I also provide an instruction for the client to “vent out” the issue in dreams so that the person can use the insight learned during the PLR session but will not be suggestible to the experience(s) of that past life.
Sara R. Fogan, C.Ht. is a certified hypnotherapist based in Southern California. She graduated with honors from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in 2005. For more information about Calminsense Hypnotherapy® and to set up an appointment, please visit

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